The increasing growth of the “knowledge” or “information” in the economy is key reason behind the enhanced importance of tools which are designed to protect the associated property rights with these intangibles. Most important among these formal protection tools is the patent, described as legal right of an innovator to stop others from using the invention.
Trademarks which are generally known as Brand names needs to be protected. In an undeniably buyer driven market, brand names can help organizations make and guard their image character. To acquire brand name insurance, it should be distinctive yet additionally have a particular edge that permits it to be recognized from others to build a goodwill in the target market.
Copyright is an important part of the country’s development agenda. Enrichment of national cultural heritage depends directly on the level of protection provided by literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, cinematograph films and recorded sounds. The higher the level, the greater the motivation for writers to create; the greater the degree of creation of worldly intelligence, the higher its popularity. Finally, the promotion of creative creativity was adopted as one of the basic requirements for all social, economic and cultural development.
‘Design’ generally signifies the elements of shape, pattern, arrangement of lines or shading or blend of colors applied to a product, by any modern methods, whether manual, mechanical, synthetic, or computerized. A product or a logo is usually remembered for its distinct Design. The uniqueness of the Design gives the creator an upper hand in the market, and it’s natural tendency to protect the designs from rivals who may take advantage by copying them. Designs registration permits organizations to safeguard their design’s uniqueness, including its shape, look, and surface. We at Inovatree assist our clients by offering services such as Design registrations and Trademark fling and prosecution. So, that our clients can protect their most valuable Intellectual property Rights in the highly competitive market.
Inovatree is a well established firm with prior experience in providing the plausible solutions in the field of IPR (Trademark, Patent, Industrial Design and Copyright). We provide advisory services that suit the client’s best interest. Recently, Inovatree has expanded its IPR services with respect to plant variety protection as well. Be it a new plant variety or any seed variety, our IPR team will navigate to bestow excellence and provide remarkable solutions to conduct the affairs and ensure protection in the field of IPR and response the query with dedicated interests.
A geographical indicator indicates that certain goods are from a country, region and have special characteristics, qualities, or dignity due to their location. These special features, qualities, or reputation may be due to a variety of factors, e.g. natural materials such as materials, soil, regional climate, temperature, humidity etc; or the method of manufacturing or processing the product as standard production methods; or other personality traits such as the merger of similar businesses in the same area, an expert in the production or repair of certain products and the maintenance of certain quality standards. The connection between goods and space is so popular that any reference to the place is reminiscent of the goods produced there and vice versa.
A geographical indication right when received will prevent any other third party from using the same name for product if it does not conform to the applicable standards. For example, in the jurisdictions where Swiss geographical indication is protected, producers of Swiss Cheese can exclude use of the term “Swiss” for cheese not processed in their region or not produced according to the standards set out as per code of practice for that geographical indication.
Integrated circuits play a significant role for the advancement of technology especially for electronics and information technology. Integrated circuits are used in a large range of products including mobile phones, television, watches, radio, washing machine, data processing equipments etc. There is a growing need to create those layout-designs which reduce the dimensions of existing integrated circuits and simultaneously increase their functions. The smaller as integrated circuit, the less the material needed for its manufacture, and the smaller the space needed to accommodate it.
The layout-designs of integrated circuits are creations of human mind. The creation of a new layout-design of an integrated circuit involves enormous investment, both in terms of money and the time of highly qualified experts. But it is possible to copy layout-design with little technical help at a fraction of the cost of the original layout design, causing substantial monetary loss to its creator. Therefore, in order to reward and encourage an adequate level of investment of human, financial and technological resources, and also to fulfill her obligations under TRIPS Agreement, India has enacted the Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Design Act, 2000.